Facebook Lookalike Audience are Wine Retail’s Friend


Facebook Lookalike Audience are Wine Retail’s Friend

Finding new potential customers is a big challenge for wine retailers. It can take a lot of labor and money to attract new visitors to your store and website. However, there is a free resource that can substantially help you find people to target with Facebook Ads – Facebook Lookalike Audiences.

Lookalike Audiences helps you find people on Facebook that are like your current customers. This can be especially impactful if most of your online traffic comes from local audience or if you are selling things like Virtual Tastings, Case Deals, Gift Baskets, or Bundled Items.

How does it work?

Lookalike Audiences start with data you probably (or should) already have – your customer data from your POS system or email lists – and creating a Customer Audience. Facebook lets you create Custom Audiences by uploading your customer lists with data like name, email address, and zip. You can even tag them with their Lifetime Value (LTV) by including their total sales amounts. Custom Audiences are great if you are looking to advertise to your existing customers – which you should also do – but if you are looking for new customers you need to take it another step.

Once you have created your Custom Audience, you can now create a Lookalike Audience that takes your existing customers and looks across Facebook for people with similar likes, interests, and browsing habits as your customers and bundles them in to a new audience.

With your new Lookalike, you can build campaigns that specifically target these new, unaffiliated prospects. In our experience, a well built campaign on a Lookalike audience converts 10-25% better than a Core Audience that is built just with distance, demographics, etc.

Need some help?

Shoot us an email. Wine Foundry can do the heavy lifting of building your Custom and Lookalike audiences and created impactful campaigns. Like always, for many of our services there is no upfront cost – you pay us a commission on the sales that actually happen.