Add 25% to Your Store Sales with eCommerce

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Add 25% to Your Store Sales with eCommerce

There are still a lot of wine retailers who don’t have an eCommerce channel. It takes a lot of investment in work, know how, and money to set one up and get it going. It’s like opening a new store that you have to build and staff from scratch.

But it is worth it. eCommerce can easily add an extra 15-25% to a small wine retailer’s business. eCommerce not only helps you generate net new business, it gives your existing customers another way to interact with your store. Your customer’s want to shop you, but without a website it is too easy to just shop the other guy.

Here is some real data from one of our clients – a vary small independent wine retailer. This chart (below) is pulled from Wine Foundry’s reporting service using PowerBI. You can see their normal results trending along consistently with a nice spike in December for the holidays. We turned eCommerce on for them in February and ran some low volume testing, and then went live fully in March. You can see the jump in business – a 30% jump that is growing and sustaining from April on.

A 30% jump in revenue after eCommerce is live.

Now I admit, eCommerce wasn’t the only thing going on here – we were running promotions, email campaigns, and advertising on Facebook and Google. However, eCommerce is the backbone that allows all this business to happen. It drives your ability to get the customer to buy when they have the urge – not when they remember to stop by.

The ability to have the customer click a link and just buy is a gamechanger for your marketing.

How Can We Help?

Wine Foundry can help run your eCommerce with no upfront costs. We will take your existing POS data, set it up on an eCommerce platform, and teach you what you need to know to fulfill orders. We will maintain all the data, load the wines and images, populate everything, and launch you to your market. We take a sales commission on what we sell online – no upfront costs, no risk on your part.

Think of it like opening a new store and hiring a manager to run it. We are your store manager – we open the store, we run it, you pay us on sales commission.

Questions? Contact us at and let’s talk.